Data and Code
Zampieri, N. and Pau, S. (2023) Pinus palustris (PIPA) tree ring chronologies for eight sites - ITRDB. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information:;;;;;;;
Still, C., Richardson, A., Goulden, M., Pau, S., and Detto M. (2022) Cross-site canopy leaf temperature and associated environmental data. Zenodo.
Pau, S. and Gillespie, T.W. (2021) Hawaii Dry Forest Plot Data ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Pau, S., Nippert, J. (2021) Correspondence between plant traits and NEON Airborne Observatory Platform (AOP) data at Konza Prairie (2017) . Environmental Data Initiative.
Pau, S., Cordell, S. Ostertag, R., Inman-Narahari, F., Sack, L. (2020) Leaf and reproductive litterfall from Laupahoehoe, Hawaii from October 2009 to March 2018. Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity. doi:10.5063/F15M6421.
Slapikas, R., S. Pau, R.C. Donnelly, C. Ho, J.B. Nippert, B.R. Helliker, W.J. Riley, C.J. Still, D.M. Griffith. Can we separate grass lineages using leaf spectroscopy? Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 129 (2), e2023JG007852.
Pau, S., Griffith, D. M., Zampieri, N. E., & Costanza, J. Longleaf pine savannas reveal biases in current understanding of savanna biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32:2047-2052.
Madson, A., Dimson, M., Fortini, L.B., Kawelo, K., Ticktin, T., Keir, M., Dong, C., Ma, Z., Beilman, D.W., Kay, K. , Ocón, J.P., Gallerani, E., Pau, S. , and Gillespie, T.W. (2023) A near four-decade time series shows the Hawaiian Islands have been browning since the 1980s. Environmental Management 71: 965-980.
Still, C.J., Page, G.F.M., Griffith, D.M., Rastogi., B., Aubrecht, D.M., Kim, Y., Burns, S.P.,Hanson, C.V., Kwon, H., Hawkins, L., Meinzer, F.C., Sevanto, S., Roberts, D.A., Goulden, M., S. Pau, Detto, M., Helliker, B.R., and Richardson, A.D. (2022) Reply to Garen et al.: Within canopy temperature data also do not support limited homeothermy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 120:e2302515120
Merrick, T., Bennartz, R., Jorge, M. L. S., Merrick, C., Bohlman, S. A., Silva, C. A., Pau, S. (2023). Comparing Phenology of a Temperate Deciduous Forest Captured by Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Vegetation Indices. Remote Sensing 15.
Zampieri, N.E. and S. Pau. The effects of fire, climate, and species composition on longleaf pine stand structure and growth rates across diverse natural communities in Florida. (2022) Forest Ecology and Management 526:120568
Still, C.J., Page, G.F.M., Griffith, D.M., Rastogi., B., Aubrecht, D.M., Kim, Y., Burns, S.P.,Hanson, C.V., Kwon, H., Hawkins, L., Meinzer, F.C., Sevanto, S., Roberts, D.A., Goulden, M., S. Pau, Detto, M., Helliker, B.R., and Richardson, A.D. (2022) No evidence of canopy-scale leaf thermoregulation to cool leaves below air temperature across a range of forest ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 119:e2205682119
Merrick, T., Bennartz, R., Jorge, M.L.S.P., Pau, S., Rausch, J. (2022) Evaluation of plant stress monitoring capabilities using a portable spectrometer and blue-red grow light. Sensors 22:3411.
Pau, S., Nippert, J., Slapikas, R., Griffith, D., Bachle, S., Helliker, B., O’Connor, R., Riley, W., Still, C., Zaricor, M. (2021) Poor relationships between NEON Airborne Observation Platform data and field‐based vegetation traits at a mesic grassland. Ecology 103:e03590.
Merrick, T., Pau, S., Detto, M., Broadbent, E.N, Bohlman, S.A., Still, C.J., Almeyda Zambrano, A.M. (2021) Unveiling spatial and temporal heterogeneity of a tropical forest canopy using high-resolution NIRv, FCVI, and NIRvrad from UAS observations. Biogeosciences 18, 6077–6091.
McHenry, J., Rassweiler, A., Hernan, G., Dubel, A.K., Uejio, C.K., Pau. S., Lester, S.E. (2021) Modeling the biodiversity enhancement value of seagrass beds. Diversity and Distributions 27:2036–2049.
Ocón, J.P, Ibanez, T., Franklin, J., Pau, S., Keppel, G., Rovas-Torres, G., Shin, M., Gillespie, T.W. (2021) Global tropical dry forest extent and cover: A comparative study of bioclimatic definitions using two climatic data sets. PloS ONE 16: e0252063..
Ordway, E.M., Elmore, A.J., Kolstoe, S., Quinn, J.E., Swanwick, R., Cattau, M., Dylan, T., Guinn, S.M., Chadwick, K.D., Atkins, J.W., Blake, R.E., Chapman, M., Cobourn, K., Goulden, T., Helmus, M.R., Hondula, K., Hritz, C., Jensen, J., Julian, J.P, Kuwayama, Y., Lulla, V., O’Leary, D., Nelson, D.R., Ocón, J.P, Pau, S., Ponce-Campos, G.E., Portillo-Quintero, C., Pricope, N.G., Rivero, R.G., Schneider, L., Steele, M., Tulbure, M.G., Williamson, M.A., Wilson, C. (2021) Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for socio-environmental systems research. Ecosphere 12:e03640. 10.1002/ecs2.3640
Still, C.J., Rastogi, B., Page, G., Griffith, D., Sibley, A., Schulze, M., Hawkins, L., Pau, S., Detto, M., Helliker, B. (2021) Imaging canopy temperature: Shedding (thermal) light on ecosystem processes. New Phytologist 230: 1746–1753
Griffith, D.M., C. Osborne, E.J. Edwards, S. Bachle, D.J. Beerling, W.J. Bond, T. Gallaher, B.R. Helliker, C.E.R. Lehmann, L. Leatherman, J.B. Nippert, S. Pau, F. Qiu, W.J. Riley, M.D. Smith, C. Stromberg, L. Taylor, M. Ungerer, C.J. Still (2020) Lineage Functional Types (LFTs): Characterizing functional diversity to enhance the representation of ecological behavior in Earth System Models. New Phytologist 228:15-23.
Chen, L., H. Hänninen, S. Rossi, N.G. Smith, S. Pau, Z. Liu, G. Feng, J. Liu, J. Gao, J. Liu (2020) Leaf senescence exhibits stronger climatic responses during warm than during cold autumns. Nature Climate Change 10:777-780.
Pau, S., S. Cordell, R. Ostertag, L. Sack, F. Inman-Narahari (2020) Climatic sensitivity of species’ vegetative and reproductive phenology in a Hawaiian montane wet forest. Biotropica. Early View. doi: 10.1111/btp.12801
Merrick, T., M.L.S.P. Jorge, T.S.F. Silva, S. Pau, J. Rausch, G. Gualda, S. Bohlman, E.N.
Broadbent, R. Bennartz. Field spectroradiometer characterization for chlorophyllfluorescence, absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, and reflectance-based vegetation index measurements (2020). International Journal of Remote Sensing 41:1-28.
Zampieri, N.E., S. Pau, D.K. Okamoto (2020) The impact of Hurricane Michael on longleaf pine habitats in Florida. Scientific Reports 10:8483.
Record, S., K. Dahlin, P. Zarnetske, Q. Read, S.L. Malone, K. Gaddis, J.M. Grady, J. Costanza, M. Hobi, A. Latimer, S. Pau, A.M. Wilson, S. Ollinger, A. Finley, E. Hestir. Remote sensing of geodiversity and biodiversity. In J. Cavender-Bares, J. Gamon, P. Townsend (Eds.) 2020, Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity: Using spectral signals to understand the biology and biodiversity of plants, communities, ecosystems and the tree of life. Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry Series.
Read, Q. D., P. L. Zarnetske, S. Record, J. M. Grady, A. M. Wilson, A. O. Finley, A. Latimer, J. K. Costanza, K. Gaddis, K. M. Dahlin, M. Hobi, S. Ollinger, S. Malone, and S. Pau (2020) Beyond counts and averages: Relating geodiversity to dimensions of biodiversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29:696-710.
Merrick, T., S. Pau, M.L.S.P. Jorge, T.S. Silva, R. Bennartz (2019) Spatiotemporal patterns of tropical vegetation solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence across Brazilian biomes using satellite observations. Remote Sensing 11: 1746 doi:10.3390/rs1115174.
Dee, L., J. Cowles, F. Isbell, S. Pau, S. D. Gaines, P. B. Reich (2019) When do ecosystems services depend on rare species? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34:746-758.
Zarnetke, P., Q. Read, S. Record, K. Gaddis, S. Pau, M. Hobi, S.L. Malone, J. Costanza, K. Dahlin, A. Latimer, A.M. Wilson, J.M. Grady, S. Ollinger, A. Finley (2019) Connecting biodiversity and geodiversity across scales with remote sensing. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28:548-556.
Fox, D., S. Pau, L. Taylor, C. Stromberg, C. Osborne, C. Bradshaw, S. Conn, D. Beerling, C.J. Still. Climatic controls on C4 grassland distribution during the Neogene: a model-data comparison. Special Issue: Revisiting the Biome Concept with a Functional Lens. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6: Article 147. pdf
Pau, S., Matteo Detto, Youngil Kim, Christopher J. Still (2018) Tropical forest temperature thresholds for gross primary production. Ecosphere 9:e02311. pdf
Pau, S., D.K. Okamoto, O. Calderón and S.J. Wright (2018) Long-term increases in tropical flowering activity across growth forms in response to rising CO2 and climate change. Global Change Biology 24:2105-2116. pdf
Humphreys, J.M., J.B. Elsner, T.H. Jagger, S. Pau (2017) A Bayesian geostatistical approach to modeling global distributions of Lygodium microphyllum under projected climate warming. Ecological Modelling 363:192-206.
Angelo, C.L. and S. Pau. (2017) Root functional diversity of native and non-native C3 and C4 grasslands in Hawaii. Pacific Science 71:117-133.
Nelson, M., K. Zak, T. Davine, and S. Pau. Climate change and food systems research: Current trends and future directions. Geography Compass 10:414-428.
Pau, S. and L.E. Dee. Remote sensing of species dominance and the value for quantifying ecosystem services. Remote Sensing for Biodiversity and Conservation 2:141-151. pdf
Widen, H.M., J.B. Elsner, S. Pau, C. Uejio (2016) Examples of graphical inference in Geography. Geographical Analysis 48:115-131.
Angelo, C.L., and S. Pau (2015) Root biomass and soil δ13C in C3 and C4 grasslands along a precipitation gradient. Plant Ecology 216:615-627. pdf
Pau, S. and C.J. Still (2014) Phenology and productivity of C3 and C4 grasslands in Hawaii. PlosONE 9:e107396. pdf
Gillespie, T.W., K. O’Neill, G. Keppel, S. Pau, J.Y Meyer, J.P. Price, J. Tanguy (2014) Prioritizing conservation of tropical dry forests in the Pacific. Oryx 48:337-344.
Still, C.J., S. Pau, E.J. Edwards. (2014) Land surface skin temperature captures thermal environments of C3 and C4 grasses. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23:286-296. pdf
Pau, S., E.M. Wolkovich, B. I. Cook, C. Nytch, J. Regetz, J. Zimmerman, S.J. Wright (2013) Clouds and temperature drive dynamic changes in tropical flower production. Nature Climate Change 3:838-842. pdf
Davies, T.J., E.M. Wolkovich, N.J.B. Kraft, N. Salamin, J.M. Allen, T.R. Ault, J.L Betancourt, K. Bolmgren, E.E. Cleland, B.I. Cook, T.M. Crimmins, S.J. Mazer, G.J. McCabe, B.J. McGill, C. Parmesan, S. Pau, J. Regetz, M.D. Schwartz, S. Travers (2013) Phylogenetic conservatism in plant phenology. Journal of Ecology 101:1520-1530.
Rovzar, C., T.W. Gillespie, K. Kawelo, M. Hirshen, E.C. Riordan, S. Pau (2013) Modelling the potential distribution of endangered, endemic Hibiscus brackenridgei on Oahu to assess the impacts of climate change and prioritize conservation efforts. Pacific Conservation Biology 19:156-168.
Gillespie, T.W., G. Keppel, S. Pau, J.P. Price, Jaffré Tanguy (2013) Scaling species richness and endemism of tropical dry forests on oceanic islands. Diversity and Distribution 19:896-906.
Cook, B.I., and S. Pau (2013) Long–term greening and browning trends in global pasture lands using the GIMMS LAI3g dataset. Remote Sensing 5:2492-2512. pdf
Gillespie, T.W., B. Lipkin, L. Sullivan, D.R. Benowitz, S. Pau, G. Keppel (2013) The rarest and least protected forests in Biodiversity Hotspots. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 3597–3611.
Pau, S., E.J. Edwards, C.J. Still (2013) Improving our understanding of environmental controls on the distribution of C3 and C4 grasses. Global Change Biology 19:184-196. pdf
Cook, B.I., E.M. Wolkovich, T.J. Davies, T.R. Ault, J.L. Betancourt, J.M. Allen, K. Bolmgren, E.E. Cleland, T.M. Crimmins, N.J.B. Kraft, L.T. Lancaster, S.J. Mazer, G.J. McCabe, B.J. McGill, C. Parmesan, S. Pau, J. Regetz, N. Salamin, M.D. Schwartz, S.E. Travers (2012) Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases. Ecosystems 15:1283-1294.
Pau, S., T.W. Gillespie, E.M. Wolkovich (2012) Dissecting NDVI-species richness relationships in Hawaiian dry forests. Journal of Biogeography 39:1678-1686. pdf
Wolkovich, E.M., B.I. Cook, J.M. Allen, T.M. Crimmins, J.L. Betancourt, S. Travers, S. Pau, J. Regetz, T.J. Davies, N.J.B. Kraft, T.R. Ault, K. Bolmgren, S.J. Mazer, G.J. McCabe, B.J. McGill, C. Parmesan, N. Salamin, M.D. Schwartz, E.E. Cleland (2012) Warming experiments underpredict plant phenological responses to climate change. Nature 485:494-497.
Cleland, E.E., J. M. Allen, T.M. Crimmins, J.A. Dunne, S. Pau, S. Travers, E.S. Zavaleta, and E.M. Wolkovich (2012) Phenological tracking enables positive species responses to climate change. Ecology 93:1765-1771.
Pau, S., G.M. MacDonald, T.W. Gillespie (2012) A dynamic history of climate change and human impact from Kealia Pond, Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102:748-762. pdf
Pau, S.†, E.M. Wolkovich†, B.I. Cook, T.J. Davies, N.J.B. Kraft, K. Bolmgren, J. L. Betancourt and E.E. Cleland (2011) Predicting phenology by integrating ecology, evolution, and climate science. Global Change Biology 17:3633-3643.
† Authors contributed equally to the work
Gillespie, T.W., G. Keppel, S. Pau, J.P. Price, Jaffré Tanguy, J.Y. Meyer (2011) Floristic composition of dry forests in the Pacific. Journal of Pacific Science 65:127-141.
2010 and earlier
Pau, S., G.S. Okin, T.W. Gillespie (2010) Asynchronous response of tropical forest leaf phenology to seasonal and El Niño-driven drought. PlosONE 5:e11325.
Pau, S., T.W. Gillespie, J.P. Price (2009) Natural history, biogeography, and endangerment of Hawaiian dry forest trees. Biodiversity and Conservation 18:3167-3182.
Gillespie, T.W, S. Saatchi, S. Pau, S. Bohlman, M. Shin, A.P. Giorgi (2009) Towards quantifying species richness of tropical forests in biodiversity hotspots. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30:1629-1634.
Gillespie, T.W., J. Chu, S. Pau (2008) Plant invasions on the Hawaiian Islands. Geography Compass 3:1241-1265.
Zampieri, N. and Pau, S. (2023) Pinus palustris (PIPA) tree ring chronologies for eight sites - ITRDB. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information:;;;;;;;
Still, C., Richardson, A., Goulden, M., Pau, S., and Detto M. (2022) Cross-site canopy leaf temperature and associated environmental data. Zenodo.
Pau, S. and Gillespie, T.W. (2021) Hawaii Dry Forest Plot Data ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Pau, S., Nippert, J. (2021) Correspondence between plant traits and NEON Airborne Observatory Platform (AOP) data at Konza Prairie (2017) . Environmental Data Initiative.
Pau, S., Cordell, S. Ostertag, R., Inman-Narahari, F., Sack, L. (2020) Leaf and reproductive litterfall from Laupahoehoe, Hawaii from October 2009 to March 2018. Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity. doi:10.5063/F15M6421.
Slapikas, R., S. Pau, R.C. Donnelly, C. Ho, J.B. Nippert, B.R. Helliker, W.J. Riley, C.J. Still, D.M. Griffith. Can we separate grass lineages using leaf spectroscopy? Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 129 (2), e2023JG007852.
Pau, S., Griffith, D. M., Zampieri, N. E., & Costanza, J. Longleaf pine savannas reveal biases in current understanding of savanna biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32:2047-2052.
Madson, A., Dimson, M., Fortini, L.B., Kawelo, K., Ticktin, T., Keir, M., Dong, C., Ma, Z., Beilman, D.W., Kay, K. , Ocón, J.P., Gallerani, E., Pau, S. , and Gillespie, T.W. (2023) A near four-decade time series shows the Hawaiian Islands have been browning since the 1980s. Environmental Management 71: 965-980.
Still, C.J., Page, G.F.M., Griffith, D.M., Rastogi., B., Aubrecht, D.M., Kim, Y., Burns, S.P.,Hanson, C.V., Kwon, H., Hawkins, L., Meinzer, F.C., Sevanto, S., Roberts, D.A., Goulden, M., S. Pau, Detto, M., Helliker, B.R., and Richardson, A.D. (2022) Reply to Garen et al.: Within canopy temperature data also do not support limited homeothermy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 120:e2302515120
Merrick, T., Bennartz, R., Jorge, M. L. S., Merrick, C., Bohlman, S. A., Silva, C. A., Pau, S. (2023). Comparing Phenology of a Temperate Deciduous Forest Captured by Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Vegetation Indices. Remote Sensing 15.
Zampieri, N.E. and S. Pau. The effects of fire, climate, and species composition on longleaf pine stand structure and growth rates across diverse natural communities in Florida. (2022) Forest Ecology and Management 526:120568
Still, C.J., Page, G.F.M., Griffith, D.M., Rastogi., B., Aubrecht, D.M., Kim, Y., Burns, S.P.,Hanson, C.V., Kwon, H., Hawkins, L., Meinzer, F.C., Sevanto, S., Roberts, D.A., Goulden, M., S. Pau, Detto, M., Helliker, B.R., and Richardson, A.D. (2022) No evidence of canopy-scale leaf thermoregulation to cool leaves below air temperature across a range of forest ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 119:e2205682119
Merrick, T., Bennartz, R., Jorge, M.L.S.P., Pau, S., Rausch, J. (2022) Evaluation of plant stress monitoring capabilities using a portable spectrometer and blue-red grow light. Sensors 22:3411.
Pau, S., Nippert, J., Slapikas, R., Griffith, D., Bachle, S., Helliker, B., O’Connor, R., Riley, W., Still, C., Zaricor, M. (2021) Poor relationships between NEON Airborne Observation Platform data and field‐based vegetation traits at a mesic grassland. Ecology 103:e03590.
Merrick, T., Pau, S., Detto, M., Broadbent, E.N, Bohlman, S.A., Still, C.J., Almeyda Zambrano, A.M. (2021) Unveiling spatial and temporal heterogeneity of a tropical forest canopy using high-resolution NIRv, FCVI, and NIRvrad from UAS observations. Biogeosciences 18, 6077–6091.
McHenry, J., Rassweiler, A., Hernan, G., Dubel, A.K., Uejio, C.K., Pau. S., Lester, S.E. (2021) Modeling the biodiversity enhancement value of seagrass beds. Diversity and Distributions 27:2036–2049.
Ocón, J.P, Ibanez, T., Franklin, J., Pau, S., Keppel, G., Rovas-Torres, G., Shin, M., Gillespie, T.W. (2021) Global tropical dry forest extent and cover: A comparative study of bioclimatic definitions using two climatic data sets. PloS ONE 16: e0252063..
Ordway, E.M., Elmore, A.J., Kolstoe, S., Quinn, J.E., Swanwick, R., Cattau, M., Dylan, T., Guinn, S.M., Chadwick, K.D., Atkins, J.W., Blake, R.E., Chapman, M., Cobourn, K., Goulden, T., Helmus, M.R., Hondula, K., Hritz, C., Jensen, J., Julian, J.P, Kuwayama, Y., Lulla, V., O’Leary, D., Nelson, D.R., Ocón, J.P, Pau, S., Ponce-Campos, G.E., Portillo-Quintero, C., Pricope, N.G., Rivero, R.G., Schneider, L., Steele, M., Tulbure, M.G., Williamson, M.A., Wilson, C. (2021) Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for socio-environmental systems research. Ecosphere 12:e03640. 10.1002/ecs2.3640
Still, C.J., Rastogi, B., Page, G., Griffith, D., Sibley, A., Schulze, M., Hawkins, L., Pau, S., Detto, M., Helliker, B. (2021) Imaging canopy temperature: Shedding (thermal) light on ecosystem processes. New Phytologist 230: 1746–1753
Griffith, D.M., C. Osborne, E.J. Edwards, S. Bachle, D.J. Beerling, W.J. Bond, T. Gallaher, B.R. Helliker, C.E.R. Lehmann, L. Leatherman, J.B. Nippert, S. Pau, F. Qiu, W.J. Riley, M.D. Smith, C. Stromberg, L. Taylor, M. Ungerer, C.J. Still (2020) Lineage Functional Types (LFTs): Characterizing functional diversity to enhance the representation of ecological behavior in Earth System Models. New Phytologist 228:15-23.
Chen, L., H. Hänninen, S. Rossi, N.G. Smith, S. Pau, Z. Liu, G. Feng, J. Liu, J. Gao, J. Liu (2020) Leaf senescence exhibits stronger climatic responses during warm than during cold autumns. Nature Climate Change 10:777-780.
Pau, S., S. Cordell, R. Ostertag, L. Sack, F. Inman-Narahari (2020) Climatic sensitivity of species’ vegetative and reproductive phenology in a Hawaiian montane wet forest. Biotropica. Early View. doi: 10.1111/btp.12801
Merrick, T., M.L.S.P. Jorge, T.S.F. Silva, S. Pau, J. Rausch, G. Gualda, S. Bohlman, E.N.
Broadbent, R. Bennartz. Field spectroradiometer characterization for chlorophyllfluorescence, absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, and reflectance-based vegetation index measurements (2020). International Journal of Remote Sensing 41:1-28.
Zampieri, N.E., S. Pau, D.K. Okamoto (2020) The impact of Hurricane Michael on longleaf pine habitats in Florida. Scientific Reports 10:8483.
Record, S., K. Dahlin, P. Zarnetske, Q. Read, S.L. Malone, K. Gaddis, J.M. Grady, J. Costanza, M. Hobi, A. Latimer, S. Pau, A.M. Wilson, S. Ollinger, A. Finley, E. Hestir. Remote sensing of geodiversity and biodiversity. In J. Cavender-Bares, J. Gamon, P. Townsend (Eds.) 2020, Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity: Using spectral signals to understand the biology and biodiversity of plants, communities, ecosystems and the tree of life. Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry Series.
Read, Q. D., P. L. Zarnetske, S. Record, J. M. Grady, A. M. Wilson, A. O. Finley, A. Latimer, J. K. Costanza, K. Gaddis, K. M. Dahlin, M. Hobi, S. Ollinger, S. Malone, and S. Pau (2020) Beyond counts and averages: Relating geodiversity to dimensions of biodiversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29:696-710.
Merrick, T., S. Pau, M.L.S.P. Jorge, T.S. Silva, R. Bennartz (2019) Spatiotemporal patterns of tropical vegetation solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence across Brazilian biomes using satellite observations. Remote Sensing 11: 1746 doi:10.3390/rs1115174.
Dee, L., J. Cowles, F. Isbell, S. Pau, S. D. Gaines, P. B. Reich (2019) When do ecosystems services depend on rare species? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34:746-758.
Zarnetke, P., Q. Read, S. Record, K. Gaddis, S. Pau, M. Hobi, S.L. Malone, J. Costanza, K. Dahlin, A. Latimer, A.M. Wilson, J.M. Grady, S. Ollinger, A. Finley (2019) Connecting biodiversity and geodiversity across scales with remote sensing. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28:548-556.
Fox, D., S. Pau, L. Taylor, C. Stromberg, C. Osborne, C. Bradshaw, S. Conn, D. Beerling, C.J. Still. Climatic controls on C4 grassland distribution during the Neogene: a model-data comparison. Special Issue: Revisiting the Biome Concept with a Functional Lens. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6: Article 147. pdf
Pau, S., Matteo Detto, Youngil Kim, Christopher J. Still (2018) Tropical forest temperature thresholds for gross primary production. Ecosphere 9:e02311. pdf
Pau, S., D.K. Okamoto, O. Calderón and S.J. Wright (2018) Long-term increases in tropical flowering activity across growth forms in response to rising CO2 and climate change. Global Change Biology 24:2105-2116. pdf
Humphreys, J.M., J.B. Elsner, T.H. Jagger, S. Pau (2017) A Bayesian geostatistical approach to modeling global distributions of Lygodium microphyllum under projected climate warming. Ecological Modelling 363:192-206.
Angelo, C.L. and S. Pau. (2017) Root functional diversity of native and non-native C3 and C4 grasslands in Hawaii. Pacific Science 71:117-133.
Nelson, M., K. Zak, T. Davine, and S. Pau. Climate change and food systems research: Current trends and future directions. Geography Compass 10:414-428.
Pau, S. and L.E. Dee. Remote sensing of species dominance and the value for quantifying ecosystem services. Remote Sensing for Biodiversity and Conservation 2:141-151. pdf
Widen, H.M., J.B. Elsner, S. Pau, C. Uejio (2016) Examples of graphical inference in Geography. Geographical Analysis 48:115-131.
Angelo, C.L., and S. Pau (2015) Root biomass and soil δ13C in C3 and C4 grasslands along a precipitation gradient. Plant Ecology 216:615-627. pdf
Pau, S. and C.J. Still (2014) Phenology and productivity of C3 and C4 grasslands in Hawaii. PlosONE 9:e107396. pdf
Gillespie, T.W., K. O’Neill, G. Keppel, S. Pau, J.Y Meyer, J.P. Price, J. Tanguy (2014) Prioritizing conservation of tropical dry forests in the Pacific. Oryx 48:337-344.
Still, C.J., S. Pau, E.J. Edwards. (2014) Land surface skin temperature captures thermal environments of C3 and C4 grasses. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23:286-296. pdf
Pau, S., E.M. Wolkovich, B. I. Cook, C. Nytch, J. Regetz, J. Zimmerman, S.J. Wright (2013) Clouds and temperature drive dynamic changes in tropical flower production. Nature Climate Change 3:838-842. pdf
Davies, T.J., E.M. Wolkovich, N.J.B. Kraft, N. Salamin, J.M. Allen, T.R. Ault, J.L Betancourt, K. Bolmgren, E.E. Cleland, B.I. Cook, T.M. Crimmins, S.J. Mazer, G.J. McCabe, B.J. McGill, C. Parmesan, S. Pau, J. Regetz, M.D. Schwartz, S. Travers (2013) Phylogenetic conservatism in plant phenology. Journal of Ecology 101:1520-1530.
Rovzar, C., T.W. Gillespie, K. Kawelo, M. Hirshen, E.C. Riordan, S. Pau (2013) Modelling the potential distribution of endangered, endemic Hibiscus brackenridgei on Oahu to assess the impacts of climate change and prioritize conservation efforts. Pacific Conservation Biology 19:156-168.
Gillespie, T.W., G. Keppel, S. Pau, J.P. Price, Jaffré Tanguy (2013) Scaling species richness and endemism of tropical dry forests on oceanic islands. Diversity and Distribution 19:896-906.
Cook, B.I., and S. Pau (2013) Long–term greening and browning trends in global pasture lands using the GIMMS LAI3g dataset. Remote Sensing 5:2492-2512. pdf
Gillespie, T.W., B. Lipkin, L. Sullivan, D.R. Benowitz, S. Pau, G. Keppel (2013) The rarest and least protected forests in Biodiversity Hotspots. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 3597–3611.
Pau, S., E.J. Edwards, C.J. Still (2013) Improving our understanding of environmental controls on the distribution of C3 and C4 grasses. Global Change Biology 19:184-196. pdf
Cook, B.I., E.M. Wolkovich, T.J. Davies, T.R. Ault, J.L. Betancourt, J.M. Allen, K. Bolmgren, E.E. Cleland, T.M. Crimmins, N.J.B. Kraft, L.T. Lancaster, S.J. Mazer, G.J. McCabe, B.J. McGill, C. Parmesan, S. Pau, J. Regetz, N. Salamin, M.D. Schwartz, S.E. Travers (2012) Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases. Ecosystems 15:1283-1294.
Pau, S., T.W. Gillespie, E.M. Wolkovich (2012) Dissecting NDVI-species richness relationships in Hawaiian dry forests. Journal of Biogeography 39:1678-1686. pdf
Wolkovich, E.M., B.I. Cook, J.M. Allen, T.M. Crimmins, J.L. Betancourt, S. Travers, S. Pau, J. Regetz, T.J. Davies, N.J.B. Kraft, T.R. Ault, K. Bolmgren, S.J. Mazer, G.J. McCabe, B.J. McGill, C. Parmesan, N. Salamin, M.D. Schwartz, E.E. Cleland (2012) Warming experiments underpredict plant phenological responses to climate change. Nature 485:494-497.
Cleland, E.E., J. M. Allen, T.M. Crimmins, J.A. Dunne, S. Pau, S. Travers, E.S. Zavaleta, and E.M. Wolkovich (2012) Phenological tracking enables positive species responses to climate change. Ecology 93:1765-1771.
Pau, S., G.M. MacDonald, T.W. Gillespie (2012) A dynamic history of climate change and human impact from Kealia Pond, Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102:748-762. pdf
Pau, S.†, E.M. Wolkovich†, B.I. Cook, T.J. Davies, N.J.B. Kraft, K. Bolmgren, J. L. Betancourt and E.E. Cleland (2011) Predicting phenology by integrating ecology, evolution, and climate science. Global Change Biology 17:3633-3643.
† Authors contributed equally to the work
Gillespie, T.W., G. Keppel, S. Pau, J.P. Price, Jaffré Tanguy, J.Y. Meyer (2011) Floristic composition of dry forests in the Pacific. Journal of Pacific Science 65:127-141.
2010 and earlier
Pau, S., G.S. Okin, T.W. Gillespie (2010) Asynchronous response of tropical forest leaf phenology to seasonal and El Niño-driven drought. PlosONE 5:e11325.
Pau, S., T.W. Gillespie, J.P. Price (2009) Natural history, biogeography, and endangerment of Hawaiian dry forest trees. Biodiversity and Conservation 18:3167-3182.
Gillespie, T.W, S. Saatchi, S. Pau, S. Bohlman, M. Shin, A.P. Giorgi (2009) Towards quantifying species richness of tropical forests in biodiversity hotspots. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30:1629-1634.
Gillespie, T.W., J. Chu, S. Pau (2008) Plant invasions on the Hawaiian Islands. Geography Compass 3:1241-1265.